Saturday, 25 June 2011


Gogo's new ?, Should I show him ?, Mean eh ?, Mike C.


GoGo said...

Everyone thinks you should show him!

Mike C said...

everyone who eh !

GoGo said...

You know......."The Surliners"

Mike C said...

ummm, try harder sunshine, answer these three questions and i will post some more pics, 1: miki dora is also known as ?, 2: bob s____ns ?, 3: the 'bar of soap' surfboard recently rode by kelly slater was made by ?, he he he

GoGo said...

1. Da Cat
2. Bob Simmons
3. Tyler Warren
4. Mike C AKA Selwyn Toogood

Mike C said...

TOOGOOD !, will post some today, well done, you are not just a pretty face !